back massage


Chiropractic is a philosophy, science and art of things natural. It is a system of adjusting the articulations (segments) of the spinal column, for the correction of the cause of disease. Chiropractic is a drugless, non-surgical method of health care treatment. Chiropractic has been researched and validated by the federal government for decades. Chiropractic is safe and effective and has helped millions of people to restore their bodies to a greater level of health and wholeness. The chiropractic profession, with over 60,000 doctors, comprises the second largest health care field in the United States. The education process for a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) is much like that of medical doctors (M.D.), dentists (D.D.S.) and osteopaths (D.O.). The Doctor of Chiropractic must earn his degree after 4 years of undergraduate studies followed by 4 years of Chiropractic education at an accredited university. There is also a 2-year clinical internship required for the degree. The educational process includes a National Board examination and a state level qualifying examination. 
Every science of healing has what is known as an "avenue of approach." For example, in the field of medicine, a hypodermic needle injects drugs through the skin or a pill is ingested into the stomach. There need not be anything wrong with the skin or stomach. They are the avenues through which the drugs gain access to the body. Another avenue of approach, is the SPINE because it houses and protects the spinal cord -- the "switchboard" of the nervous system -- through which nerves pass from the brain to different parts of the body. The nerves leave the spinal cord through openings between movable spinal bones called vertebrae. Research shows that when these vertebrae degenerate or move out of proper alignment there can be interference with the normal activity of the nerves. This interference can disturb function throughout the body and can cause pain and disease. Most conditions of ill health are the result of some underlying cause within the body. Research has developed specific techniques and technology for locating and correcting spinal misalignments that often cause pain and disturb nerve function in the organs, tissues, and cells of the body.
Chiropractic care usually incorporates an adjustment (also called a manipulation) to one or more spinal segments. This process introduces a force that changes the manner in which those spinal segments function. Because the segments have a nerve supply and muscle attachment, this type of procedure improves the function of the spine and nervous system and helps to relieve pain.
Many things can cause spinal misalignments. Our bodies are stressed 24 hours a day. Stress encompasses all aspects of our existence. Posture, gravity, employment, sleep positions and emotional tension all accumulate to make our bodies constantly compensate. Auto accidents, work injuries and sports injuries are also often a more immediate cause of spinal trauma.
On your initial visit to Bedford Chiropractic, you will receive a thorough history that focuses on you, your current health issues and long term health concerns. You will receive a focused regional examination to determine whether we think chiropractic care will be of benefit. The exam may include any of the following: Biomechanical assessment, Orthopedic/Neurological evaluation and x-rays. All testing is chosen in accordance with diagnostic necessity in order to provide the best care to each patient. Dr. Riley will then comprehensively explain his findings and recommended treatment program to you. Dr. Riley's recommendations will often include lifestyle factors that affect your overall health, such as your diet, level of exercise, your rest, and recreational habits. Dr. Riley's treatment may also include adjunctive therapies, depending on your state of health. The effects of your treatment may be immediate or they may take time. Again, all is dependent on your current overall state of well being. We use a variety of methods to help your condition including, spinal adjustments, soft tissue (muscular) treatment, nutrition and exercise. A personalized care plan is developed for each patient based on their needs. Your initial assessment and treatment is the beginning of what we hope will develop into a lasting relationship with you, your family and friends. We are confident that you will find chiropractic care to be an integral part of your health.
Once a diagnosis has been made, a discussion of the treatment plan as well as other medical options (if appropriate) will be reviewed with you. Together we will set goals for your outcome and establish a reasonable time frame to achieve these goals. We strongly encourage a healthy lifestyle and will provide you with appropriate stretches and exercises as well as lifestyle modifications and nutritional advice. By following our recommendations and living a healthy lifestyle, visits to your doctor (chiropractic and/or medical) can be greatly reduced.
Our job is not only to facilitate your healing but also to educate you toward prevention of re-injury on the future. Many chiropractic and medical treatments easily reduce signs and symptoms, but the truth is, no treatment can be complete if the cause of the problem is not addressed. Proper diagnosis, treatment, patient education and lifestyle changes are often necessary to eliminate the cause of your complaint. Rehabilitative exercises are used to regain and maintain the structural integrity and correct functional (muscular) deficiencies. These exercises are individually designed just for you.
Some people use chiropractic to relieve symptoms while others receive chiropractic to improve their overall health and quality of life. We try to educate our patients on the benefits of chiropractic care and allow each person to decide on the treatment that is right for them. Levels of chiropractic care include relief care (symptom oriented), corrective care (correcting malfunctions) and maintenance care (fostering optimum joint and nervous system function). Just like you would go to a dentist forever to maintain good dental hygiene, we suggest that people get a periodic spinal check up. This simple routine check up can help prevent joint injury, joint deterioration and improve nervous system function, which improves your overall health. The frequency of treatment depends on other lifestyle factors such as exercise, stress reduction and nutrition to name a few.
Chiropractic care during a pregnancy is an essential part of your prenatal care. During a normal pregnancy a tremendous amount of women experience back discomfort and pain. This is often due to the rapid growth of the baby and interference to your body's structural adaptations to that growth. Preexisting unnoticed imbalances in your spine and pelvis become overtaxed during these times. The added stress to the body during the pregnancy often leads to discomfort and difficulty while performing routine, daily activities. Chiropractic care throughout the pregnancy can relieve and even prevent these discomforts experienced by the mother-to-be. Specific adjustments eliminate these stresses in your spine, restore balance and result in greater comfort and lifestyle improvements.
muscle stimulation

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